All Good
When All Good Founder Caroline Duell made her first batch of what's now known as the infamous All Good Goop in 1997, she had no idea that it would one day turn into a broad spectrum of healing products that she'd get to share with the world.
Duell's journey with herbal medicine began in high school, where she took a medicinal plant workshop, learning how to harness the benefits of wild plants that could be found trailside in the mountains of Colorado. Her knowledge and interest in plants stayed with her as time went by, until one day, she used her knowledge to help heal herself. Rock climbing, farming, and other outdoor activities were taking a toll on her own skin, and she decided to take matters into her own hands (literally).
After some experimentation, she made her very first batch of the All Good Goop and immediately experienced improvement in her skin. Amazed, Caroline began to give her healing balm to friends and family, and soon enough, she debuted the product at the local farmers market. In time, Caroline wanted to bring her products to a broader audience so they too could feel the benefits of what she had created. It was then that All Good, a brand that features a wide array of natural and organic body care products, was born.
Duell's journey with herbal medicine began in high school, where she took a medicinal plant workshop, learning how to harness the benefits of wild plants that could be found trailside in the mountains of Colorado. Her knowledge and interest in plants stayed with her as time went by, until one day, she used her knowledge to help heal herself. Rock climbing, farming, and other outdoor activities were taking a toll on her own skin, and she decided to take matters into her own hands (literally).
After some experimentation, she made her very first batch of the All Good Goop and immediately experienced improvement in her skin. Amazed, Caroline began to give her healing balm to friends and family, and soon enough, she debuted the product at the local farmers market. In time, Caroline wanted to bring her products to a broader audience so they too could feel the benefits of what she had created. It was then that All Good, a brand that features a wide array of natural and organic body care products, was born.