Green Toys
Looking around her children's playroom, Laurie Hyman, co-founder of Green Toys, was at a loss. She felt like she was sitting in a plastic wasteland, unsure if the toys around her were even safe for her children to play with. Determined to make a change, she and her husband, Robert von Goeben, founded Green Toys, a company dedicated to socially responsible and environmentally friendly children's products. They take the simple, classic toy designs that kids love and give them a sustainable twist that's great for your kids–and the planet.
Green Toys are truly green because they're made from 100% recycled plastic, primarily recycled from milk jugs! Manufactured right here in the USA, the milk jugs are collected, cleaned, and reprocessed into raw recycled plastic before being mixed with food-safe, mineral based color dyes. These classic toys are designed with the natural benefits of unstructured play in mind, encouraging imagination at its finest. From innovative materials to award-winning designs, Green Toys is here to prove that earth-friendly fun doesn't have to be hard.
Green Toys are truly green because they're made from 100% recycled plastic, primarily recycled from milk jugs! Manufactured right here in the USA, the milk jugs are collected, cleaned, and reprocessed into raw recycled plastic before being mixed with food-safe, mineral based color dyes. These classic toys are designed with the natural benefits of unstructured play in mind, encouraging imagination at its finest. From innovative materials to award-winning designs, Green Toys is here to prove that earth-friendly fun doesn't have to be hard.