Did you know that disposable diapers are the third most common single-use item comprising landfills in the US? Once in the landfill, most generic disposables can even take up to 500 years to break down - yikes! As a parent, just keeping up with your little ones' numerous changing needs is quite an endeavor, and adding waste management to your list of to-dos may feel like a mountainous task. That's where Esembly comes in: an innovative reusable cloth diaper company made by parents for parents. Esembly combines effective diapering solutions with an eco (and adorable) twist, demystifying what has previously been a confusing and daunting process!
When Liz Turrigano was a new mom, she, like many other parents and caregivers, experienced the dramatic mishaps and unreliability that often accompany disposable diapers. A memorable incident for her involving a subway ride and an exploded diaper that left both mama and baby in tears is one many may relate to! She knew there had to be a better, safer way to diaper her daughter and a way to do so that also protected the health and future of the planet. Liz joined forces with Sarah Edwards and Marta Baumann and together they set to work creating a line of reusable options that were comfortable for babies and successful in preventing dreaded leaks and blow-outs. With their simplified options, Esembly offers a straightforward and sustainable diaper for parents that are eager for an alternative to the standard disposable. Better for the parent, baby, and the planet - what more could we ask for?