Conscious Stories
A spiritually-minded creative and founder of Conscious Stories, Andrew Newman, has always felt a strong connection to healing work and community building. From studying to be a nondual kabbalistic healer, to directing Edinburgh city's Festival of Spirituality and Peace, Andrew has a strong background in self-study and mindful behaviors. So, when Andrew wrote a poem and asked his close friend to draw some illustrations to match, he was amazed to see his psychological and spiritual studies brought to life! He was thrilled to show the depictions to some of his therapy clients and upon seeing the moving images, the clients agreed that it would be helpful during childhood to have a catalyst like this to foster conscious behavior.
Andrew realized that helping parents nurture spiritual awareness within their children through imagery, poetic words, and intentional lessons was something he needed to pursue. And so, The Conscious Stories company was born! With over 10 different storylines, Andrew has created a series of beautiful experiences for you and your children that will enhance social-emotional learning, help you connect with each other on a deeper level, and nourish souls young and old.
Andrew realized that helping parents nurture spiritual awareness within their children through imagery, poetic words, and intentional lessons was something he needed to pursue. And so, The Conscious Stories company was born! With over 10 different storylines, Andrew has created a series of beautiful experiences for you and your children that will enhance social-emotional learning, help you connect with each other on a deeper level, and nourish souls young and old.