Seeding Cards
Created by two best friends on a mission to make less waste, Seeding Cards is taking the greeting card industry by storm. Founders Brittney La Gesse and Maranda Steinmetz-Robey. teamed up to combine their two passions of low-waste lifestyles and art, and the idea of seeded greeting cards grew to fruition.
La Gesse is no stranger to low-waste living. She recently founded the Refill Revolution, a bulk and zero waste store in EarthHero's hometown of Boulder, Colorado. Everything sold is either bulk, plastic free, reusable, or biodegradable–and her side venture could be no different.
The two believe that plantable greeting cards are a perfect gift, and we agree! They're playful, personal, and won't leave unnecessary waste behind. What could be better?
La Gesse is no stranger to low-waste living. She recently founded the Refill Revolution, a bulk and zero waste store in EarthHero's hometown of Boulder, Colorado. Everything sold is either bulk, plastic free, reusable, or biodegradable–and her side venture could be no different.
The two believe that plantable greeting cards are a perfect gift, and we agree! They're playful, personal, and won't leave unnecessary waste behind. What could be better?