On average, a child uses around 7,000 disposable diapers before they start potty training! Each of those diapers takes around 500 years to decompose in a local landfill. Imagine that diaper still existing when your child's great, great-grandchild is born! Kim Ormby, frustrated about the lack of eco-friendly and organic solutions offered to parents trying to diaper sustainably, set out to do something about it.
Kim crafted the Montanna Diaper Company, an online retailer that she operated out of her laundry room. As both her babies and the brand began to grow, Kim expanded and began The Natural Baby Company while designing and producing GroVia reusable diapers. The team at GroVia has made it their mission to offer eco-friendly products that help parents nurture and grow their babies. Offering stylish, practical, and eco-friendly alternative to disposables, the GroVia diapers, and accessories line is helping moms and dads all over reduce their waste and make simple swaps that have both the planet and your babies in mind.