Bitti Gitti
In a pinch, smartphone speakers are useful when wanting to listen to a song or favorite podcast out loud. However, the sound is often "tinny" and offers a fraction of the listening experience that a sound system provides. For those dedicated to living a truly eco-lifestyle, the options for thoughtfully made and power-free sound amplification are slim. Until now! The search for a sustainable sound system that is high quality, unplugged, and handmade is over. Look no further than Bitti Gitti!
In Turkish,"bitti gitti" translates to "done and gone" or more specifically, the act of creating something and then gifting it. For Erbil Sivaslioglu, the founder of Bitti Gitti, this meant coming home from work and de-stressing through crafting gifts for friends and family. His projects were hands-on, purposefully designed, involved many prototypes, and always made with love. As his gifts became more popular among his close circle, Erbil noticed a general increase in interest in handmade goods. He decided to quit his engineering job and launch Bitti Gitti with the intention of crafting everyday goods that were backed by sustainability, a minimalist aesthetic, and performance!
In Turkish,"bitti gitti" translates to "done and gone" or more specifically, the act of creating something and then gifting it. For Erbil Sivaslioglu, the founder of Bitti Gitti, this meant coming home from work and de-stressing through crafting gifts for friends and family. His projects were hands-on, purposefully designed, involved many prototypes, and always made with love. As his gifts became more popular among his close circle, Erbil noticed a general increase in interest in handmade goods. He decided to quit his engineering job and launch Bitti Gitti with the intention of crafting everyday goods that were backed by sustainability, a minimalist aesthetic, and performance!